Zac Giammarrusco is a certified forensic video technician and holds a M.S from the National Center for Media Forensics. He also holds a B.S in recording arts from the University of Colorado Denver. Zac worked as a digital forensic examiner in Denver, CO before moving to Arlington, VA to work for an ASCLD/ANAB 17025 accredited digital forensics laboratory with CACI.
After getting married in July, 2017 Zac moved back to Denver to work remotely and start his own digital forensic company. He also currently supports a local law enforcement agency with their body-worn and fleet camera program.
Zac has presented his research on source camera identification at the 2016 Academy of Forensic Sciences in Las Vegas Nevada and is a member of AAFS, AES, IAI, and LEVA.
Zac has testifed in court on both the federal and state Level in Florida and Colorado. The cases he has testified in include image authentication, video analysis, and facial comparison.