5 simple tips to redact video with 100% accuracy

5 simple tips to redact video with 100% accuracy

Zac Giammarrusco Zac Giammarrusco
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Video redaction can be a difficult task, especially when a complex video is stacked against you. A complex video can be described as having a lot of visible motion, poor lighting, low resolution, or a large number of subjects visible in the frame. If all these technical video elements are combined, you might need 5 simple tips to redact video with 100% accuracy. We've created these helpful tips to save time and energy during the redaction process.

  1. Research Your Video: Before you start redacting the video, take the time to research the content that should be redacted. Look for the nuances, movement, and possibly text that needs to be redacted. Having a strong overall knowledge of what needs to be removed in the video will ensure 100% accuracy.
  2. Find the Right Software: You need the right software to create a redaction video. Various video editing programs are available, so be sure to look for one with the features you need. Automatic video redaction software isn't always the best choice when it comes to complex redaction projects. You need to choose a piece of software that you can trust and have a strong knowledge of. Also, ensure the product is reliable and does not crash in the middle of your project. Any lost time during the video redaction process can be absolutely devastating. Always ensure you are consistently saving your work along the way.
  3. Use The Correct Render Settings: To ensure your video is rendered out accurately at the end of the project, use professional tools and verify the number of frames and frame rate is accurate to the original video. This will help ensure that the content of the original matches the redacted video and that no loss of information has occurred.  
  4. Quality Check or Peer Review: Before you release the video, be sure to have it reviewed by another set of eyes. This will help you identify any errors or areas of improvement before release.
  5. Use a Redaction Service: To ensure 100% accuracy, you should consider hiring a professional service. There are a wide variety of benefits to hiring a service to handle the redaction request, including, speed, budget, and the ability to scale when multiple videos and cases are hindering your overall goal of transparency. By removing the burden of video redaction, your staff can return their focus to normal operations.

These 5 simple tips to redacting video with 100% accuracy will ensure a solid foundation when starting a video redaction project. If you want to learn more about video redaction, or our services, please visit our website.


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