Forensics Team
The Talented People Behind the Scenes of Focal Forensics

Zac Giammarrusco is a certified
forensic video technician and holds a M.S from the National Center for Media Forensics.
also holds a B.S in recording arts from the University of Colorado Denver. Zac worked as
digital forensic examiner in Denver, CO before moving to Arlington, VA to work for an
ASCLD/ANAB 17025 accredited digital forensics laboratory with CACI.
married in July, 2017 Zac moved back to Denver to work remotely and start his own
forensic company. He also currently supports a local law enforecment agency with their
bodyworn and fleet camera program.

Business Executive- Originally from
Chicago, Steve holds an MBA from The University of Colorado Denver with a specializtion
finance. Steve orginally moved to Colorado to receive his bachelor’s degree in music
performance and business. He has sucessfully managed large restaurants in Chicago while
promoting music and local events. He currently resides in Denver, Colorado and enjoys
research in the next generation of block chain technology.
Please contact Focal
Forensics for a full CV of qualifications

James ZJalic (U.K)
Education includes a Masters
Degree in
Media Forensics from the National Centre of Media Forensics at the University of
Denver, USA, and a 1st Class Bachelors Degree in Audio Engineering. Holds FTK ACE
Certification in Computer Forensics and an active member the Audio Engineering Society,
Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences & The UK Register of Expert Witnesses.
Previous casework includes criminal, civil and private cases, including work for various
police forces on high profile cases such as murder, rape and pedophilia.. Experienced in
aspects of audio, image and video forensics.